Friday, November 24, 2006

Talk To Syria Now, Says Syrian Jewish Maverick

Is Lebanon missing on peace? (read the article at the link-header)

Lebanon has record of assassinations

More to my point. (click on the header to read the articla)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Lebanon United in Tragedy

It is good to see Lebanese unite where religious believes and political affiliations did not prevent the solidarity. It is sad that this good showing occurs only when tragedies strike; a continuous awareness of what Lebanon is facing is now needed more than ever…

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Lebanon’s ongoing tragedy - Pierre Gemayel the latest victim

What is the message and who sent it? Well, it is as good a reason as any to fight over.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Lebanon unity cabinet or new elections!!!

The calls for early parliamentary elections are democratic, but so are the calls for a new President. Hasn’t Lebanon had enough of destruction and conflict?
I question one party’s decision and monopoly to declare war and demand change at its own leisure and only when it serves its purposes. Am I mistaken, or are we still talking about Lebanon for all Lebanese???

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Truth

When will we know?
If this is not the time, then when?
If this is not the way, then how?

Shiite Schools Teach 'Resistance' to Children

What the hell, this must be a joke...

Talks collapse in Lebanon

Lebanon was thrown into a political crisis Saturday when talks broke down over giving the militant faction Hezbollah and its political allies greater control of the government. Almost immediately, cabinet ministers from the group and the other main Shiite party resigned...(blah, blah, can read the rest of the article by clicking the link-header above if you are so interested).
Reading news from Lebanon has truly become a waste of time. Just imagine the worst-case scenario, and more often than not, it happens.

We cannot blame the world for our problems when we cannot agree amongst ourselves. Lebanon allows other countries to dominate its affairs, and Lebanese leaders refuse to compromise.

Is it not time that Lebanese take their heads out of their a****, and see the world for what it really is?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Fear rises in Lebanon as the tables turn

By Michael Slackman / The New York Times
Published: November 5, 2006

BEIRUT: Not long before the 34-day war with Israel, political groups in Lebanon aligned with the United States sat at a table with Hezbollah and tried to get it to give up its weapons and to help remove the pro-Syrian president from office...

[Read the rest of the article by clicking the link-post header above]

National Dialogue

We must be able to solve our differences peacefully, and through dialog.

I dare to hope, but seriously though, are we just wasting our time with the current leadership and their usual, old, and familiar tunes?

Saturday, November 04, 2006


Is he being used by the Americans, being pushed towards the Americans, or both? Is he weak, or victim of the circumstances; and most of all, is he the right person to lead the government at this time?


Is he replacing Syria with the US as the grand overseer of Lebanon?
And most importantly, would he change his mind and position again?


The Presidency at all costs??!!


Nasrallah Warns of 'Street Demonstrations' if National Unity Government is not Formed.

How does that serve Lebanon?